I was just telling my wife a few days ago that I would like to find a stroller in which I can also travel. But to be honest, I was actually thinking more along the lines of a platform in which I can stand on and push the stroller along much like a skateboard. But I imagine my weight on the back of the stroller might mean that the stroller is doing a wheelie the entire time I’m on it. I’m sure it’s possible but here is another one that seems to fit the bill. The WIKE Salamander Stroller & Bike looks pretty legit although on the pricey side.
The WIKE Salamander Stroller & Bike was in development for five years and is finally ready to hit the pavement. The entire unit is supposed to be very easy to assemble with most of the assembly already completed. The Salamander Stroller & Bike operate just like a standard Dutch-style cargo bicycle or a double child stroller. You can switch between the two in seconds and without much effort.

It’s pretty simple really. Use it as a bike and get to the bus stop or shopping center. Once at your destination, simply switch it to a stroller. That simple!
The bicycle frame comes in a high gloss black on 4130 tig welded alloy steel. You also have the ability to upgrade from the standard roller brake to disc or caliper brakes on the front wheel. Or you can have the disc brakes for the back wheel. The carrier itself is ABS plastic pod with an adjustment for 2 seat heights. All of the bicycle parts are standard and serviceable locally. The WIKE Salamander Stroller & Bike is going for $3,000 CAD (Canadian). Yes, it’s definitely a purchase that needs to be thought through. If it matches your lifestyle and the unit is something you’d use well after your children have outgrown it. Grocery shopping comes to mind. Check out the WIKE website for more information.