What To Do Instead Of Doomscrolling: 12 Joyful Escapes for a Happier You

Hey there, fellow scroll-addict! Caught in the endless loop of bad news? You’re not alone. Studies show that 55% of Americans feel stressed after consuming news1 But don’t worry – we’ve got your back.

This blog post is your ticket to 12 awesome alternatives that’ll kick doomscrolling to the curb. 3 Ready for a happier you? Let’s go!

Key Takeaways

Doomscrolling causes stress for 55% of Americans, but fun alternatives like gaming, audiobooks, cooking, and crafting can boost mental health.

Educational apps like Coursera, EDX, and Duolingo offer engaging ways to learn new skills and languages instead of mindless scrolling.

Physical activities like fitness challenges, yoga, and outdoor walks provide mood-boosting benefits and can be gamified with apps.

Meditation appsjournaling, and connecting with loved ones support mental wellness and help combat negative effects of excessive news consumption.

Creating a positive social media environment by curating feeds and engaging in digital art or photography can transform screen time into a joyful experience.

Discover Alternatives to Doomscrolling

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Tired of the endless scroll? Let’s shake things up! We’ve got some cool tricks up our sleeve to beat the blues and spark joy in your day-to-day.

Dive into Gaming

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Gaming offers a fun escape from endless scrolling. I love playing all kinds of online games – from Call of Duty to casino games, where I play responsibly with small amounts I can afford to lose. 

When it comes to casino games, instant withdrawal casinos have become increasingly popular. These platforms allow players to access their winnings much faster than traditional online casinos, often within minutes or hours.

For a brain workout, I often start up Join Blocks or Words with Friends on my phone. These puzzle games keep my mind sharp while helping me unwind.

If you’re musically inclined, try free online lessons. It’s fun learning new songs and riffs. Whether you prefer action, strategy, or instant withdrawal casino games, there’s something for every geek to enjoy. With instant withdrawal casinos, it’s important to remember responsible gambling practices and to only play with money you can afford to lose.

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It’s a good idea to game in moderation and take breaks to avoid eye strain. Now excuse me while I go level up my character!

Enjoy audiobooks and podcasts

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Audiobooks and podcasts offer a great escape from doomscrolling. They’re like a cozy blanket for your brain. You can dive into thrilling stories or learn cool stuff while doing other things.

Platforms like Scribd and Spotify have tons of options. Scribd even has a free trial – perfect for finding 2-3 awesome audiobooks to start with. 3

For audio adventures beyond books, check out BBC Sounds. It’s packed with music, comedy, documentaries, drama, and sports. These audio treats can keep your mind busy and happy. Plus, they’re way better for your mental health than endless news scrolling.

So grab those headphones and give your eyes (and worries) a break! 4

Listening is where the magic happens. – Anonymous

Engage in cooking or crafting projects

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Cooking and crafting can be your ticket out of the doomscrolling spiral. These hands-on activities offer a fun escape and boost your mental health5

  • Whip up a new dish: Pick a recipe you’ve never tried before. Maybe it’s that spicy ramen you’ve been eyeing or a fancy French dessert. The process of cooking engages all your senses and keeps your mind focused on the task at hand.
  • Start a DIY project: Got some old furniture lying around? Give it a makeover! Paint it, add some cool hardware, or turn it into something entirely new. This kind of project gives you a sense of accomplishment and lets your creativity shine.
  • Learn to knit or crochet: These crafts are perfect for fidgety hands. Plus, you’ll end up with a cozy scarf or blanket to show for your efforts. It’s a win-win!
  • Try your hand at origami: All you need is paper and patience. This Japanese art form can be surprisingly calming and rewarding. Start with simple designs and work your way up to more complex ones.
  • Make your own soap or candles: It’s easier than you might think! These crafts let you customize scents and colors to your liking. They also make great gifts for friends and family.
  • Build a model: Whether it’s a ship, a car, or a spaceship, model building requires focus and precision. It’s a great way to lose yourself in a project for hours. 6

Master new skills with educational apps

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Learning new skills is a blast with today’s cool educational apps. Let’s dive into some awesome ways to level up your brain power and add to your geeky hobbies.

  1. Coursera: Jump into top-notch courses from big-name schools. Pick from tons of subjects like coding, data science, or even game design. Save interesting classes to your watchlist for later. 7
  2. EDX: Get your learn on with free classes from Harvard, MIT, and more. Grab certificates to show off your new skills to friends or bosses. 8
  3. Udemy: Find super specific courses on almost anything. Learn to build robots, create 3D models, or master Photoshop tricks.
  4. Skillshare: Boost your creative side with classes on art, writing, and design. Perfect for adding flair to your geeky projects.
  5. Duolingo: Pick up a new language while having fun. Earn points, level up, and chat with other language nerds.
  6. Hedira: Become a plant whiz with this easy-to-use app. Keep your coding den green and fresh without killing your leafy pals.
  7. Khan Academy: Brush up on math, science, and more for free. Great for filling in knowledge gaps or prepping for tests.
  8. Brilliant: Solve tricky puzzles and learn cool STEM concepts. It’s like brain training meets science class.
  9. Codecademy: Get hands-on coding practice right in your browser. Build real projects as you learn popular programming languages.
  10. TED: Watch mind-blowing talks on cutting-edge topics. Expand your horizons and impress your friends with random facts.

Boost Your Physical Health

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Ready to get your heart pumping? Let’s dive into some fun ways to boost your physical health… and trust me, you’ll want to stick around for this!

Embark on a fitness challenge

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Ready to swap your screen for some sweat? Let’s kick off a fitness challenge that’ll make your heart race faster than your Twitter feed. Here’s how to get moving:

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  1. Start small: Begin with a 7-day challenge. Do 10 push-ups, 20 squats, and a 30-second plank daily. It’s like leveling up in a game, but for your body.
  2. Try the Couch to 5K program: This beginner-friendly plan turns couch potatoes into runners in just 9 weeks. It’s perfect for geeks who love progress bars.
  3. Join online fitness communities: Find your tribe on Reddit or Discord. Share progress, swap tips, and get virtual high-fives from fellow fitness newbies.
  4. Gamify your workouts: Use apps like Zombies, Run! or Fitocracy to turn exercise into a real-life RPG. Who says quests are only for video games?
  5. Set up a home gym: No fancy equipment needed. Resistance bands, a yoga mat, and some dumbbells are your new party. It’s like building a PC, but for your muscles.
  6. Mix it up with HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training burns fat fast. It’s the overclocking of workouts – short bursts of max effort followed by rest. 1
  7. Get outside: Harvard says natural light boosts mental and physical health. Take your laptop outside for a working “walk-station” setup9
  8. Track your stats: Use a fitness tracker or smartphone app to log your progress. It’s like monitoring your PC’s performance, but for your body.

Incorporate yoga and stretching into your routine

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After getting your heart pumping with a fitness challenge, it’s time to slow things down. Yoga and stretching offer a perfect balance to high-intensity workouts, helping you unwind and boost flexibility.

  1. Get started with a yoga mat: Unfold it, and you’re ready to go. No fancy gear needed!
  2. Try the Down Dog app: It’s a geek-friendly platform for yoga newbies and pros alike.
  3. Mix it up: Alternate between yoga and simple stretches. Keep your body guessing!
  4. Join the trend: Stretching classes saw a huge jump in 2023. You won’t be alone in this journey. 10
  5. Stick with it: Consistency is key for better flexibility. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a bendy body.
  6. Set a daily reminder: Use your smartphone to nudge you. Even 10 minutes counts!
  7. Make it social: Invite friends for a virtual yoga session. It’s like a LAN party, but for your muscles.
  8. Track your progress: Use a fitness app to log your sessions. Data is a geek’s best friend, right?
  9. Experiment with styles: From Vinyasa to Yin, there’s a yoga type for every mood and need.
  10. Listen to your body: If something hurts, ease up. Your body isn’t a computer – you can’t just force a reboot. 11

Explore the outdoors with walks or runs

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Outdoor adventures can boost your mood and health. Let’s explore some fun ways to get moving outside:

  1. Lace up those sneakers! Keep your running shoes where you can see them. This little trick might just nudge you out the door.
  2. Start small with a quick stroll. Set a phone reminder for a short walk. Even 10 minutes can make a difference.
  3. Soak up some sunshine. Outdoor activities can bump up your Vitamin D levels. It’s like a natural mood booster12
  4. Kick stress to the curb. Fresh air and green spaces can help melt away tension. It’s like a reset button for your brain.
  5. Power up your energy. A brisk walk or jog can wake you up better than coffee. Plus, no caffeine jitters!
  6. Mix it up with nature trails. Swap concrete for dirt paths. It’s easier on your joints and way more interesting.
  7. Turn it into a game. Use apps like Zombies, Run! to add some excitement. Who knew outrunning zombies could be so fun?
  8. Buddy up for motivation. Find a walking or running pal. It’s harder to bail when someone’s counting on you.
  9. Snap some pics along the way. Challenge yourself to find cool stuff on your route. It’s like a real-life Easter egg hunt!
  10. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Learn something new while you move. Two birds, one stone! 1

Support Your Mental Wellness

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Your mind needs love too! Let’s chat about some cool ways to give your brain a hug. These tricks will help you chill out and feel awesome.

Practice meditation with guided apps

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Guided meditation apps offer a quick escape from the stress of doomscrolling. These digital tools can help geeks find peace and focus in just a few taps. 13

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  1. Headspace: This app is a geek’s dream for brain training. It offers short meditations, chill tunes, and group sessions to boost your mental fitness.
  2. Calm: Picture Matthew McConaughey reading you a bedtime story. Yep, that’s Calm. It’s packed with soothing sounds and quick meditations to help you unwind.
  3. Insight Timer: A free app with a huge library of guided meditations. It’s like a buffet for your mind – pick what you need, when you need it.
  4. Peloton: Not just for fitness buffs. Their app has guided meditations too. It’s perfect for geeks who want to mix mental and physical workouts.
  5. Meditation timers: For DIY types, simple timer apps can guide your practice. Set it, forget it, and focus on your breath.
  6. Binaural beats apps: These use sound waves to alter brain states. It’s like hacking your mind for relaxation.
  7. Virtual reality meditation: For tech lovers, VR apps offer immersive meditation experiences. It’s like meditating in a digital zen garden. 14
  8. AI-powered meditation assistants: These smart apps learn your habits and tailor sessions just for you. It’s personalized mind training.

Maintain a daily journal

From meditation to journaling… it’s a natural flow. Keeping a daily journal is like having a chat with yourself. It’s a great way to track your moods and spot what sets them off. 15 Grab a notebook and start jotting down your thoughts. It doesn’t have to be fancy – just honest..

Journaling can help you spot mental health issues early. The Brain Shift Journal is a cool tool for this. It helps you set goals and keep tabs on your progress. Plus, it’s a fun way to get your geek on with some self-analysis.

Give it a shot – your future self will thank you! 16.

Connect with loved ones

After jotting down your thoughts, it’s time to reach out. Connecting with loved ones can lift your spirits and chase away the blues. It’s like a warm hug for your soul!

Ring up a friend or shoot them a text. Better yet, plan a fun hangout. Why not try a new board game or cook a meal together? These simple acts can work wonders. They remind us we’re not alone in this crazy world.

Plus, sharing laughs and stories beats scrolling through bad news any day of the week. 16

A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. – William Shakespeare

Explore Digital Positivity

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Let’s flip the script on your digital life. You can turn your screen time into a happy zone – it’s not all doom and gloom out there!

Create a positive social media environment

Social media can be a mixed bag. It’s fun, but it can also drag you down. 9 The trick? Make it work for you. Curate your feed like a boss. Unfollow accounts that bum you out. Follow ones that make you smile or teach you cool stuff.

It’s your digital space – fill it with things that spark joy.

Don’t just scroll. Engage! Post about your geeky passions. Share that awesome cosplay pic. Tweet about your latest coding project. Active posting can actually help you feel more connected and less anxious.

Plus, you might find your tribe of fellow nerds. 18 Next up, let’s talk about how to level up your skills while having a blast.

Engage in photography or digital art creation

Snap out of the doomscroll funk with some pixel-perfect fun! Grab your camera or fire up your favorite digital art app. Capture cool moments or create wild masterpieces enhanced with AI.

It’s a great way to flex your creative muscles and share your unique view of the world. Plus, you’ll build a sweet collection of pics or artwork to look back on.

Digital art and photography aren’t just hobbies – they’re mood boosters too. Focusing on visuals helps you tune out the noise and appreciate life’s little details. Whether you’re shooting landscapes or sketching fantastical creatures, you’re giving your brain a much-needed break from the news grind.

So go ahead, geek out with your lens or stylus. Your mind (and your followers) will thank you! 9 19

People Also Ask

What’s doomscrolling, and why should I stop?

Doomscrolling is when you can’t stop reading bad news online. It’s like eating junk food for your brain. It can mess with your feelings and make you worry more. Instead of letting your newsfeed rule you, try some fun escapes to feel better.

How can mindfulness help me avoid doomscrolling?

Mindfulness is like a superpower for your mind. It helps you notice when you’re stuck in a worry loop. Try to meditate or just breathe deeply for a few minutes. This can break the spell of your phone and bring you back to the present moment.

What are some hands-on activities to replace scrolling?

Get your hands busy! Knitting, crocheting, or coloring books for grown-ups are great options. These activities are like a workout for your fingers and a vacation for your mind. They help you focus on something real instead of endless tweets.

Can exercise really improve my mood?

You bet! Moving your body is like hitting the reset button on your brain. A quick walk, some jumping jacks, or even dancing in your living room can chase away the blues. It’s not just good for your muscles – it’s a mood booster too.

How can I connect with others instead of my phone?

Put down your phone and pick up the phone! Call a friend or your grandparents. Join an online community about something you love. Real connections, even from far away, are way better than likes on social media. They feed your soul, not your anxieties.

When should I talk to a professional about my scrolling habits?

If you feel like you can’t stop scrolling even when you want to, it might be time to chat with a counselor. They can teach you tricks to break the habit. It’s not weakness to ask for help – it’s smart! A therapist can give you tools to cope with stress in healthier ways.


^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580444/

^ https://www.wired.com/story/stop-doomscrolling-grab-a-game-controller/ (2021-07-12)

^ https://pollybarks.com/podcast/five (2023-10-17)

^ https://happiful.com/things-to-do-instead-of-doomscrolling

^ https://www.albionpleiad.com/2024/02/opinion-unplug-and-engage-how-to-fight-doom-scrolling/

^ https://medium.com/@sandymseleku24/what-to-do-in-your-free-time-instead-of-doom-scrolling-d8a3a3a2bb45

^ https://medium.com/@rojhanpaydar/stop-doomscrolling-start-studying-c3fed5b2ce96

^ https://www.sunshinecoasthealthcentre.ca/micro-learning-a-joyful-alternative-to-doomscrolling/ (2024-01-16)

^ https://medium.com/@stevennash1/44-things-to-do-instead-of-doom-scrolling-through-social-media-6734e97e5269

^ https://news.northeastern.edu/2024/04/11/stretching-health-benefits/ (2024-04-11)

^ https://lec.org/blog/health/how-to-use-simple-yoga-stretches-for-good-mood/

^ https://choosetoseegood.com/outdoor-activities-increase-happiness/ (2019-05-29)

^ https://just-tech.ssrc.org/field-reviews/meditation-apps-and-the-unbearable-whiteness-of-wellness/

^ https://www.ebbonyandlune.com/blog/mental-health-apps

^ https://www.calm.com/blog/mood-journal (2024-06-19)

^ https://www.healthywomen.org/your-wellness/social-media-mental-health (2024-06-17)

^ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10079169/

^ https://socalmentalhealth.com/13-ways-to-stop-doomscrolling/

^ https://medium.com/@jncelee/ive-cracked-the-code-to-doom-scrolling-95805e473104




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