Volt Drone Designed for Roadside Car Assistance

In what may be the start of an entirely new branch of drone responsibilities, a drone may be helping you with your car in the near future. Yes, the idea is like AAA coming to your rescue when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Or if a tow truck from a nearby gas station comes to get you out of a tight spot. Drones may come from above to give you a boost. An electrical boost, to be specific. The Volt Charging Drone will come to your location and give a charge to your Electrical Vehicle (EV) with the push of a button.

Volt From The Heavens:

The signal will come from an app you can download on your phone. If your electric car ever dies and typical assistance is not feasible, you can summon the almighty Volt EV Charging Drone. A drone will float down from the heavens and give your car a few kWh to get it running again. The charge the Volt Drone can provide will make your car drivable for an estimate of 20 miles.

That is invaluable help especially when you are in a dire situation.

Its charge can give you enough time to get to a proper charging station for your car. But it is always good to know that a drone is but an app button away if you ever need assistance.

The summoning of a Volt Drone doesn’t come free though. Like any other service on the road, you will have to pay a fee for its usage. But that seems like a small spec in the grand idea.

It’s a pretty simple idea, yet also revolutionary in some aspects. This can change the way car support takes place when on the road. It can change the time difference between needing help and getting help. Think about it. Car trouble fixed within minutes wherever you may be.

That, my dear readers, is a good time to be a driver.




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