Top 10 Things That Frustrate Your IT Department

No matter what services or goods your business is responsible for providing, it probably relies heavily on its IT department. It follows, naturally, that you want to keep them as happy and productive as possible. While everyone experiences frustration in the workplace, the IT department often gets the short end of the stick. Remember IT is there to do their job, which usually consists of making yours easier. Here are a few things you might want to avoid next time you deal with them.

1. Expecting Immediate Resolution

You are, in all likelihood, far from the most urgent or top issue on their list of problems to solve. Thinking that you are and expecting them to drop everything they are currently working on to help you with your problem is one of the quickest ways to irritate any IT professional. Troubleshooting and problem resolution take a good deal of time and energy, so be patient. They will get to you as soon as they are able. As an employer, there are things you could do to lighten the workload such as provide software that automates things like inventory management for daily operations.

2. Asking For Personal Favors

Don’t make your problems IT’s problems. They already have plenty on their plate. Helping you with your smartphone or laptop is not what they are there for and will take time away from duties that they are paid to perform. It should go without saying that you probably shouldn’t be wasting company time on personal issues, to begin with.

3. Assuming That Your Issue Is An Easy Fix

Just because your problem seems simple does not mean that the solution is equally so. Even a small error can mean IT has to go through lines of code and many different possible solutions. Your IT people aren’t in possession of some magic wand that can solve your problems with a wave.

4. Getting Irritated With “Foolish” Questions

If you’ve ever worked in customer service, sales, or any other position in which you are given a script to read from, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. Your call is usually being monitored to ensure quality. Since they probably don’t feel like losing their jobs over something so simple (would you?) then they’ll probably be asking you a set of standard questions. Answer them quickly and concisely. Adding in snarky or sarcastic remarks will only waste more of your time and theirs.

5. Thinking You Could Do A Better Job

If you think you could do the job better then why aren’t you? Wouldn’t you find it annoying if someone called you for help only to ignore what you had to say? If you think you know the solution, then try it before calling. Otherwise, be quiet and allow IT to do their job. You called them, remember?

6. Being Dishonest About The Problem

IT isn’t there to reprimand or report you to your superiors. They are there to solve your problems. The more honest you are about the source of the problem, the faster they can resolve it. If you spilled your drink on your keyboard, say so. They will find out what the cause is, so save everyone some frustration and time by being open and honest about it.

7. Complaints About Company Policy

No one likes to be bothered about thing beyond their control, certainly not when they have a plethora of issues on their plate already. That’s precisely what you’re doing when you call IT to complain about not being allowed to access your social media or how subpar your software or hardware is. They have no control over these things and are likely just as frustrated as you are about them.

8. Rude or Disingenuous Behavior

This really should go without saying. Rude behavior does not make anyone more willing to help. IT didn’t cause your problem. Probably. Even if they did, what is there to gain by alienating the people who are only there to help you in the first place? Everyone knows that work can frequently be a stressful thing. Try not to add to the madness by contributing to it. It’s never too late to turn over a new leaf. You may be surprised by how far a sincere apology can go.

9. Forgetting A Simple “Thank You”

These are two words that can change everything. Two simple words that take almost no time to say. This goes a lot further than dealing with your IT department. If you aren’t in the habit of saying thank you sincerely, then I challenge you to start. It will change your life and make everyone you deal with more receptive in future interactions.

10. IT Are People Too

It’s easy, especially in today’s world, to forget that the person on the other end of the phone or computer is, more or less, the same as you are. With the same basic needs and wants. They are people who are just trying to provide for themselves and their families. They aren’t trying to be difficult; they’re there to help. There to do a job, just like you are. Let them.

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