8 Fun Things to Do on the Toilet That Actually Boost Wellness

Let’s face it – bathroom breaks can feel like wasted time in our busy lives. Americans spend an average of 30 minutes daily on the toilet, making it a perfect opportunity for wellness activities.

These fun things to do on the toilet can transform your bathroom visits into productive self-care moments that boost your physical and mental health. Ready to make the most of your throne time?

Key Takeaways

Americans spend about 30 minutes daily on the toilet, making it an ideal time for wellness activities like listening to podcasts, playing brain games, or doing gentle exercises that boost physical and mental health.

Reading and meditation on the toilet helps reduce stress and anxiety – studies show mindfulness practices strengthen immune systems, while reading improves life satisfaction during these private moments.

Simple seated yoga moves and kegel exercises done during bathroom breaks can improve digestion, posture, and pelvic floor strength – experts suggest doing 8–10 reps of moves like cat-cow stretches and pelvic tilts.

Productive bathroom activities like email organization, journaling, and doodling can boost creativity and memory by 29% while lowering cortisol levels – even famous minds like Einstein used doodling for problem-solving.

Quick mobile games and puzzles during toilet time fulfill basic mental needs and build confidence – research shows brain-training activities work best when kept to short 5-15 minute sessions that match natural bathroom break timing.

Fun and Games

A colorful rubber duck and bath toys create a playful bath scene.

Let’s face it – bathroom time doesn’t have to be boring! Your daily throne visit offers a perfect chance to mix fun with wellness through music, games, or podcasts that spark joy and calm your nerves.

Enjoy music or listen to a podcast

A smartphone playing a podcast on a bathroom sink with colorful bottles and plush towels.

Music and podcasts make perfect bathroom buddies. Pop in your MP3 players or grab your phone to stream your favorite tunes while nature calls. Half of U.S. adults now tune into podcasts – making the toilet a prime spot to catch up on self-help shows or business tips.

Your parasympathetic system actually relaxes better with some background sounds.

Turn your throne time into growth time with podcasts that feed your mind.

The bathroom offers total privacy for deep listening without interruption. Your vagus nerves naturally calm down during this time, making it perfect for absorbing new ideas. Self-help podcasts boost resilience and positive thinking right from your porcelain seat.

Stick to shorter episodes of 15–20 minutes to match your natural rhythm. Your chest and breathing will feel more relaxed with some audio company.

Play mobile games or solve puzzles

A man in his 30s is playing a mobile game on the toilet.

Mobile games pack a powerful punch for your brain during bathroom breaks. Brain-training puzzles boost your mood and make time fly by on the throne. Guys who love a challenge can tackle quick rounds of Wordle or Sudoku right from their phones.

Some folks even play slots with crypto to mix things up during their private time.

Games give your brain a fun workout while building confidence. Research shows puzzle games fulfill basic mental needs and boost self-trust. Your phone becomes a pocket arcade filled with quick puzzles perfect for those short breaks.

The key is picking games you truly enjoy – this drives better engagement and keeps you coming back for more. Simple number games or word puzzles work great since they don’t need much time or deep focus.

Mental Enhancement Activities

A man in his 30s sits on a park bench doing Sudoku.

Your brain needs a workout, even during bathroom breaks. Take five minutes to sharpen your mind with quick mental exercises that boost your focus and memory – it’s like hitting the gym for your noggin!

Explore literature or digital books

A person enjoys reading in a cozy bathroom setting.

Reading on the toilet might sound weird, but it’s a perfect chance to catch up on your favorite books. Grab your Kindle or a paperback, and turn those private moments into mini reading breaks.

Studies show reading helps lower anxiety and boosts life satisfaction – making it a smart choice for your bathroom visits.

Books offer a great escape while nature calls. Most guys spend about 10 minutes in there anyway, so why not make it count? Digital books work great because they’re light and easy to hold with one hand.

Plus, you won’t have to worry about dropping a heavy book or losing your page. Next up, let’s talk about another creative way to spend your throne time – keeping a quick journal of your thoughts.

Engage in meditation for mental clarity

A peaceful bathroom with potted plant, books, and folded towel.

Moving from books to mindfulness creates a perfect balance for your bathroom time. Meditation fits right in with your daily routine – no extra time needed! Studies show that mindfulness practices cut down stress and anxiety in major ways.

I started with just five minutes of deep breathing on the toilet, and now my mind feels sharper all day long.

Take slow breaths through your nose while sitting there. Focus on how your lungs fill up and empty out. This simple act changes your brain and body for the better. Science backs this up – people who practice mindfulness have stronger immune systems and bounce back faster from being sick.

Plus, it’s totally private! No one needs to know you’re doing anything besides your regular business. The beauty of bathroom meditation lies in its simplicity – just breathe, relax, and let your mind clear itself out.

Creative Outlets

A person sitting on the toilet, drawing in a sketchbook.

Your toilet time can spark amazing creativity. Grab a small sketchbook or your phone’s notes app – you’ll be shocked at how many brilliant ideas pop up during these quiet moments of solitude.

Draw or doodle for artistic expression

Grab a pen and start doodling on your next bathroom break! Science backs up this fun habit – it cuts stress and boosts memory by 29%. Even brilliant minds like Einstein and Walt Disney loved to doodle during their downtime.

This simple act of drawing helps your brain process information better while lowering cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. For guys who love nerd interests, doodling can be a perfect way to express creative ideas or work through tough problems.

Doodling isn’t just random scribbles – it’s a powerful tool for building resiliency and mental strength. Draw stick figures, shapes, or whatever pops into your head. The goal isn’t to create perfect art but to let your mind wander freely.

This quick creative break helps your heart rate slow down as you inhale deeply and focus on the present moment. Let’s explore how seated yoga poses can add more wellness to your bathroom routine.

Compose thoughts in a journal or blog

Like doodling, putting your thoughts on paper brings out your creative side. Grab your phone or a small notebook while you’re on the throne. Writing helps you deal with daily adversities and boosts your mood.

Many therapists say regular journaling cuts down stress big time.

Start a private blog on any website if paper isn’t your thing. The web makes it super easy to type out your feelings and ideas. You can write about anything – from what bugs you to what makes you smile.

Studies show guys who write down their thoughts feel better and live better. Plus, keeping track of good stuff builds up positive psychology and helps you spot the bright side of life.

Communication and Information

A woman sitting in a bathroom, looking at her smartphone.

Your toilet time can double as your catch-up time with the world. The bathroom offers a quiet spot to sort through your digital life – from clearing out those pesky spam emails to catching up on the latest news cookies in your feed.

Update and organize emails

Email cleanup on the toilet makes perfect sense. Grab your phone and sort through those pesky messages that pile up daily. Delete spam, file important stuff, and clear out old messages – it’s like giving your inbox a fresh batch of cookies.

Most guys spend about 10–15 minutes in the bathroom anyway, so why not make it count? Flag emails that need quick replies, and trash the junk that’s been sitting there for months.

Turn bathroom breaks into mini productivity sessions by tackling your inbox. Create folders for work projects, personal stuff, and bills while nature calls. Put on some patches of labels to keep things sorted – red for urgent, blue for later.

This bathroom email habit helps you stay on top of messages without eating into your regular work time. Plus, you’ll feel a sense of gratitude knowing your inbox isn’t a total mess instead of doomscrolling through social media.

Review social media and current events

Now that your inbox looks tidy, let’s talk about your social feeds. Social media can be a double-edged sword during bathroom breaks. Recent studies show too much scrolling links to higher rates of depression and anxiety.

But here’s the good news – you can turn your feed into a positive space.

Pick your social media content like you’d pick your friends. Follow accounts that share helpful mental health tips and upbeat content. Think of it as spring-cleaning for your brain – dump the negative stuff and keep the good vibes rolling.

Many content creators now share quick, useful psychology tips that can boost your mood right from the toilet seat. Just stick to a five-minute limit to keep things healthy and productive.

Wellness Exercises

A cozy bathroom with a wellness book and magazines for relaxation.

Your toilet time can turn into a mini wellness session with simple exercises. Try some gentle moves that work your core and pelvic floor muscles – they’ll boost your health without anyone knowing what you’re up to.

Perform seated yoga postures

Toilet time can become wellness time with simple seated yoga moves. These poses work great for digestion and stress relief, backed by research showing daily short sessions beat longer, less frequent ones.

  • Cat-Cow Stretch: Rock your hips forward and back while seated. Pull your belly button in, then push it out. Do this 8–10 times to help your digestion flow better.
  • Seated Twists: Place your right hand on the toilet paper holder and left hand on your knee. Twist gently to the right. Hold for 3 breaths. Switch sides. This move aids gut health.
  • Hip Circles: Make small circles with your hips while keeping your feet flat. Circle 5 times clockwise, then 5 times counter-clockwise. This eases lower back tension.
  • Ankle Rotations: Lift each foot and roll your ankles in circles. Do 10 circles per foot. This boosts blood flow while you sit.
  • Shoulder Shrugs: Raise your shoulders to your ears, hold for 2 counts, then drop them down. Repeat 5 times to release neck strain.
  • Seated Forward Fold: Lean forward slightly, letting your head hang down. Take 3 deep breaths here. This pose calms your mind through breath work.
  • Pelvic Tilts: Tuck and release your tailbone while breathing deeply. Do this 10 times to strengthen your core muscles.
  • Mini Back Bends: Place hands on lower back, gently arch backward. Take 2 breaths, then return to center. This counters poor posture from sitting.

Do discreet kegel exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles in a way no other workout can. These simple moves pack a powerful punch for your health, and you can do them anywhere – even during your bathroom breaks.

  • Squeeze and lift your pelvic muscles like you’re trying to stop peeing mid-stream. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Start with 10 reps.
  • Mix up your routine with quick flicks – rapid squeezes and releases for 30 seconds at a time. This builds muscle control fast.
  • Add three sets of 10-second holds to your daily bathroom visits. Your muscles will get stronger within 6–8 weeks of steady practice.
  • Make it fun – try pulsing to the beat of your favorite song while sitting. Music helps keep time and makes the exercise less boring.
  • Pay attention to form – focus only on your pelvic floor muscles, not your abs or thighs. Good form beats rushing through reps.
  • Take breaks between sets to avoid muscle fatigue. A tired muscle won’t give you the best workout results.
  • Track your progress in your phone’s notes app. Mark down daily sessions to stay on track and spot improvements.
  • Level up your game after two weeks by adding more reps or longer hold times. Your muscles will thank you with better control.
  • Stop if you feel any pain or discomfort. Your body knows best – listen to it.
  • Stick to the plan – daily practice leads to real results like better bladder control and stronger muscles down there.

People Also Ask

Is it okay to bring my phone (PDA) to the bathroom?

Yes, but keep it clean! Your phone can be a great bathroom buddy for quick wellness checks or light reading. Just remember to sanitize it often.

What are some healthy activities I can do while on the toilet?

You can do light stretches, practice deep breathing, or use your PDA to read health tips. These simple acts boost both body and mind wellness.

How long should I spend on toilet activities?

Keep your bathroom time under 10 minutes. While it’s fun to use your PDA or do other activities, sitting too long isn’t good for your body.

Can bathroom activities really improve my health?

Yes! Smart use of bathroom time, even with your PDA, can help you learn, relax, and improve wellness. Just keep things quick and clean.


https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/untapped-podcasting-ideas (2024-02-13)

https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2023/04/18/how-americans-use-and-engage-with-podcasts/ (2023-04-18)


https://mashable.com/article/best-mobile-games (2020-01-12)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10086468/ (2023-02-27)


https://www.apa.org/topics/mindfulness/meditation (2019-10-30)


https://www.mciinstitute.edu.au/wellbeing/creative-outlets (2022-01-31)

https://www.scienceunderdog.com/post/creativity-and-outlets-impacting-life-work-and-education (2020-03-13)


https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/24/health/social-media-healthy-content-wellness/index.html (2022-03-24)


https://www.self.com/gallery/yoga-for-constipation (2024-04-22)






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