Soon You May Control Drones – With Your Thoughts

Here’s a thought. If you think the idea of drones flying through the sky is futuristic, you are in for a treat. Drones can readily be owned by anyone with a few bucks, and can go to distances only planes can reach before.

They are a very versatile machine that can provide efficiency and speed to any job. Drones can carry powerful cameras that enable amazing aerial photography and cinematography, while also helping law enforcement on the field.

Drones are powerful technological marvels. Best of all, they are mass produced for the general public, affordable, has replaceable parts, and anyone can learn the controls quickly. It’s basically playing video games, but with a real life subject.

While drone technology has come a long way, a new invention may push it even more forward. At Arizona State University, they created a device that can control drones using your thoughts.

Thought Powered Drone Controller

Yes, like a powerful technopath in science fiction, you too can control a drone (or a fleet of drones) using your brain power. Using a helmet akin to Cerebro’s from the X-Men universe, the program maps out specific brain functions and try to create patterns. These will then associate to specific drone commands, and with enough fine tuning and practice, anyone can actually control drones using their thoughts.

Sounds crazy, and the helmet interface looks even crazier, but hey. Consider the leaps in technology when it comes to prosthesis. Now, people can gain motor function and hold objects using robotic limbs. These parts are controlled by the brain, and function similarly to what the drone controller offers.

Of course, the helmet and its programming is still in its relative infancy. If you think you can go out tomorrow to buy your own drone mind controller, think again. This can take years, maybe even decades to reach levels of mass production.

But it’s good to know however that hands-free drone control is not only an option, it may just be the future of drones entirely. Hands-free controls are available, with body suits to act as the control system. It’s not perfect, but people have reported that it is an easier path in mastering flying drones.

What do you think?




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