Review: TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp with USB Charging Port

If you are looking for the best in desktop charging with a helpful desk light included, the Taotronics desk lamp is a unique and modern spin on typical desk illumination. As a versatile LED desk lamp it can throw an excellent amount of light over a wide range of tasks. If you are looking for a minimalist style this is an LED desk lamp that can fit your décor too.

The small pad at the base of the lamp is perhaps one of the most interesting pieces of technology included. Using this pad, you can enjoy a minimalist look for your desk lamp and with the option to wirelessly charge him with any type of device. Rather than having separate outlets along the lamp, you can have charging technology in a wireless format or with a USB format as well.

Taotronics included this design with a 7 inch wireless charging base. The metallic arm is also extremely light and it connects up with a plastic hinge that can rotate 90° all the way to 150° producing many levels of adjustment for the lamp. The head can also swivel offering you ideal light coverage for any of your desktop spaces.

As well as being an extremely futuristic design and an excellent desk accessory for keeping all of your devices well charged, Taotronics offers the perfect solution for a desk lamp that can accommodate a wide range of illumination throughout your space.

With a mode button, you can choose the type of lighting that you would prefer. This means that you can always have access to the lighting that helps you feel more creative. There’s five different modes in total giving you maximum customization from your lighting.

If you are looking for a highly unique desk lamp that will give you access to plenty of features, this could be the best tool to pick up for your desktop today.




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