Frii Plastic Bike by Dror Peleg
So much talk about all these eco-friendly cars and our carbon foot print. Obviously, biking is one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transportation …
As if the 3D fad wasn’t annoying enough, you now have the opportunity to look like an even bigger douche …
I’m not much of an alcohol drinker but I do appreciate this awesome Collapsible Shot Glass available at Magellan’s. The …
Here’s a funny little comic strip about the latest contender in the social networking scene vs. the biggest social network …
I’ve seen people get tasered before on TV and YouTube and it didn’t look too pleasant. But in the back …
You know, sometimes getting work done without knowing that you are doing work is the best way to get tasks …
The way of the Samurai has always been intriguing to us thanks to some very cool Hollywood movies and the …
Thanks to cheap computers, cheap internet, and awesome gadget blogs like ours, we seem to spend more and more time …
Drinking with a plastic straw is so last year, you need to get with the ages and upgrade to the …