Oslo Airport Delays Flights Amidst Drone Fears

Various reports of drones disrupting airport activity has been the focal point of calls regarding stricter regulations. With all the irresponsible activity endangering lives in airports, you would think drone users would be more careful. But alas, it just takes one rotten egg to ruin the bunch. A lone drone user can taint the status of drone enthusiasts worldwide. Drones, although mostly used for recreation, still poses a number of responsibilities. These devices, which cost hundreds of dollars and easily purchased in stores, are under regulations. Being a device that can fly hundreds of feet in the air makes it more than just a mere toy.

Oslo Drone Incident:

An incident at the Oslo Airport has once again sparked the debate on whether drone regulations are too lax. This time, the Norway site closed its doors temporarily to incoming traffic after a drone flew nearby. Thanks to the attentive eyes of a pilot nearby, a potential accident failed to materialize.

The drone reportedly flew about 400 meters high, five kilometers within the northeast of Oslo Airport. After the drone was located, countermeasures were set to make sure no aircraft collisions took place. In previous instances where a drone was within an airport’s vicinity, near-misses occurred. This drew fears of planes crashing at the hands of these tiny drones. They can very easily take down a plane’s engine by accidentally flying into it. The only fix airports can do, sadly, is to close out the area from incoming planes and flights taking off.

Prevention is still better than a cure. Stalling flights would be a lot easier than repairing planes and endangering hundreds of lives at a time.

Oslo Airport closed off the area, where incoming flights had to reroute to other airports, and incoming flights delayed. Of course, this was the best course of action at the time. After the airport dealt with the drone, operations returned to normal immediately.

Drone operators can easily get their hands on drones. Either in a hobby shop, toy store, or even a tech center. But having a drone is not the same as having a toy car. Drones can fly at great distances and can be controlled remotely from a relatively far distance. This means that a drone can easily be lost from the vantage point of its user. It is then imperative that regulations are there to make sure everyone is safe. Users must have eyes on their drones at all times. Drones must also keep below the 400 feet altitude. Of course, drones must also not be flown in areas with heavy air traffic such as airports or airfields.




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