How Do you Know if the Water you are Using is Safe?

Water is the stuff of life, as no living thing could survive without it, but water can also host a wide range of dangerous substances, and you cannot tell just by looking or even tasting it. The quality of water has gradually declined due to the increased human activity, and there are times when it makes sense to have the water tested. If you live in Australia, your tap water will be treated and should be virus and bacteria free, but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be something in your pipes or even the water tank, which is contaminating your supply.

The Best Solution

There are no hard and fast rules about DIY water testing, and while you might be able to find out the pH level or test for the absence of a specific substance, it is better to have the water tested. If you live in Australia, water testing is provided by SERS, and they can quickly evaluate your water supply and provide effective solutions where necessary. There are so many contaminants that could be in your water, and while in very low doses they might be harmless, they can have a negative impact on your health, especially over time.

Non Drinking Water

Ponds and lakes can become contaminated, as can rivers and streams, which can seriously affect the wildlife. You might have a well on your property, and have never had the water tested, but it is never too late, so think about calling in a water testing service, who can give you a detailed breakdown of your water supply.

Help Protect the Environment

By drinking contaminated water, we are risking our own health, and if we never drink from that supply, we still might be damaging our local environment, so it isn’t just drinking water we should be concerned about. It makes sense to have the supply tested, as it could already be having a negative effect on nature, and if you are aware of a contamination, you can take the necessary steps to redress the balance and help the planet.


Many farmers are environmentally aware, and they have an environmental consultant that regularly checks many things around the farm. The chances of disease contamination are much reduced when regular testing takes place. With many germs and bacteria transmitted by water, it makes sense to keep your finger on the pulse by having regular tests carried out.

Danger in the Home

Once the mains water enters your plumbing system, all bets are off with regard to the condition of the water, as it is now in a different environment. Older plumbing pipes contain lead, as do some faucets, and this can contaminate the water.

The quality of the water you use can never be taken for granted, and may already be affecting you in some way. If you really want to be certain that your water supply is of good quality, arrange for it to be tested, and you might be surprised at the results.

Photo: Kit




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