Horror Movie About ‘Killer Drone’ to Air in Theaters

With all the fears of drones surrounding airports and other locations, it may reach an entirely new level. Apparently, a horror movie may soon come to theaters near you with a modern premise: a killer drone. Yes, while this may be piggybacking off the recent drone incidents happening worldwide, it may have lasting consequences.

The Influence of a Movie

The movie Jaws for example, which scared the masses in 1975, created a frightfully real effect on the number of beach goers worldwide. While Jaws is obviously only a work of fiction exaggerating shark attacks, it still made a real effect on people. After Jaws aired in theaters, beach goers fell over fifty percent worldwide. Economies in seaside towns went to shambles, and took years to recover.

What will a horror story about a drone do to its thriving environment? Drones today are more affordable and accessible than ever before. While there are places that tighten their grip on drone regulations, other areas are opening up to the idea of daily drone sightings. Will this movie about a killer drone damage the market, leading to people being less interested in the technology?

Killer Drone on the Loose

The movie, titled The Drone, is about a DJI Phantom Quadcopter possessed by an evil spirit. This spirit fuses with the drone’s technology and uses its spinning blades to slaughter its targets. While it does have a lighter tone (as if a joke) compared to Jaws, people may use it to fuel their tech fears. The director of the movie is a comedian named Jordan Rublin, who in the past created other horror movies with ridiculous plots.

This can lead to people becoming less interested in drone use in general. On the other hand, it may have the opposite effect. People may try the drone and use it irresponsibly, to terrorize people as they have seen in the movie.

How will this affect the drone industry? Will this drone movie even be a good one?




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