How many different types of geeks are there?
Once an insult, a geek is now known as an eccentric intellectual who is an enthusiastic expert in a certain field. A geek is obsessed with their topic and all the newest and trendiest updates that come with it. Except it’s not always that simple, as there are many geek types. We’ll walk you through some of them.
The Comics Geek

Dissimilar to a nerd, geeks are considered to be smart and socially acceptable in most cases – but not this one. This geek type is the classic origin of the term and oversees comic books and general fictional fantasy content. Stereotypically secluded, the comic geek hunches their back like a question mark shape and buries their face in stories that non-geeks don’t understand the importance of. Oh, and they’re practically blind because they need thick lenses, yet they still can’t see the socially awkward situations they keep putting themselves in. Of course, none of this is true, but that’s how society sees them. They’re one of the most common types of geeks that people think of in books and media.
The Video Games Geek

This is the kind of geek that most people envision when they think of the term “geek.” This type is defined by their obsession with video games. They live, breathe, and sleep video games, especially computer games. To them, video games are not just a hobby – they’re a way of life. The Gamer Geek is usually a loner who doesn’t have many friends in real life because they’d rather stay home and play video games. They’re also the type of geek that is most likely to get made fun of by non-geeks.
The Science Geek

This geek type is defined by their love of science. They’re the ones who are always asking “Why?” and “How?” They’re always curious, and they love to learn new things. Science geeks are usually very intelligent, and they know a lot about, well, science. But that’s not all – they also tend to be interested in other geeky things like comic books, video games, and more.
The Sports Geek

That’s right; it doesn’t matter what your subject of interest is; if you’re knowledgeable, then you’re a geek. These folk fit the society standard as sports are a hugely common interest, with over 155 million concurrent viewers in the United States alone per year and growing. Sports geeks are supposedly a competitive and emotional bunch because if your team isn’t winning, there may be tears in your beers. This may also be the case if your team is winning; important matches are just big tear-jerking passionate events, to be honest. So if you know your team’s stats, and you collect their trading cards, then set your expectations wildly high, and make sure you’re not working when your favorite team is.
The Lab Geek

They’re into numbers and science and… stuff. Not all geek types have to know pretty much everything in their field, but for these guys, that may just be the difference between a successful experiment and an explosion right in your face. All geek types have value, and these guys do as punching all the numbers and pouring chemicals into bottles, and vials is what keeps various species-threatening diseases at bay. Plus, it ain’t easy to get into sciencey stuff as they require some of the longest degrees – alongside architecture for whatever reason.
The Film Geek

Most everyone loves movies, but some people love movies and all the details in them. Like other geeks, they often see their hobby as an art form, and films are no exception. Even films that aren’t critically acclaimed have gained a cult following, and film geeks are probably in that cult. Okay, they’re not actual cults because films aren’t religion (except for the original Star Wars trilogy, that’s gospel level), but movie geeks deserve respect for their dedication to craft and admiration for theatrical craftsmanship. As far as the types of geeks go, this kind is reasonably well respected.
The TV Geek

TV geeks are like film geeks, but for television. They tend to be very knowledgeable about the history of television, as well as the current landscape of TV shows. They’re also usually up-to-date on all the latest shows and what’s going on with them. TV geeks are also known for being able to quote vast amounts of dialogue from their favorite shows, especially Star Trek and British science-fiction comedy Red Dwarf.
The Music Geek

This type of geek is defined by their love of music. They may play an instrument, or they may just enjoy listening to music. They’re usually very knowledgeable about music, and they may have a large collection of music from obscure bands. Music nerds are also known for going to a lot of concerts and music festivals. The music enthusiast is generally well-respected by society, as music is considered to be an important art form.
The Pop Culture Geek

This type of geek is defined by their love of popular culture. They’re usually up-to-date on all the latest trends, and they may even start some of them. Pop culture geeks are also known for being able to quote vast amounts of dialogue from their favorite movies and TV shows. This type of geek is generally well-respected by society, as popular culture is considered to be an important part of our lives.
The Computer Nerd

This type of geek is defined by their love of computers. They’re usually very knowledgeable about computers, and they may even know how to program them. Computer nerds are also known for being able to quote vast amounts of dialogue from their favorite movies and TV shows. This type of geek is generally well-respected by society, as computers are
The Food Geek

This is for the ratatouille that we all dream of. These geeks oppose frozen food with all their strength, and they know a lot about recipes and how to take pictures of everything before they eat it to make people on social media jealous. Knowing how to cook is a life skill, and those who take a lot of pride in it may not consider themselves a geek, but it is a compliment. The title alone is known to make your meals 3% healthier and 10% tastier, which is the best and only fake fact in this article, so eat that one up. If you’re one of these types of geeks, you’ll have no trouble impressing the ladies.
The Fashion Geek

Fashion geeks don’t just follow trends; they start them. They’re the ones who know all about the latest fashion designers, and they’re always ahead of the curve when it comes to fashion.
They’re the chic geeks that always look good, no matter what the occasion is.
The Car Geek

Cars are one of those things that a lot of people are interested in but don’t know that much about. But for car geeks, cars are a way of life. They know everything there is to know about cars, and they love to talk about them. Car geeks are also known for being able to fix cars, and they often have a garage full of tools to do so. This type of geek is generally respected by society, as cars are an important part of many people’s lives.
The Math Nerd

This type of geek is defined by their love of math. They’re usually very knowledgeable about math, and they may even be able to do calculus in their head.
They’re a classic nerd archetype and are often made fun of in popular culture, but they’re usually very smart and can be quite successful in life if they apply themselves. This type of geek is not always respected by society, but they are usually respected by other nerds.
The Anime Geek

Otherwise known as a weeb – which is a derisive term for someone who likes anime – anime geeks are often ridiculed for their interest in cultural animation, and that’s precisely why these geek types should be celebrated. No hobby is wrong, nor should it be ridiculed, unless it’s breaking some kind of law, in which case you should ridicule it. But not anime! People have fun with it, and it makes them happy, just like other forms of escapism. Anyway, these guys might have waifus and strange body pillows, but that’s okay. Sort of. They also admire super cool things, like anime spaceships.
‘Geek’ doesn’t have to be a derogatory term…
There are many different types of geeks, and each one has their own unique set of interests and skills. Geeks come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be found in every walk of life. Some geeks are well-respected by society, while others are ridiculed. But no matter what, geeks are a unique and important part of our world.
So, what type of geek are you? Let me know in the comments section below!