Top 11 Finance Jobs That Don’t Require A Degree: Unlock Your High-Earning Potential Now!

Finding a high-paying job in finance without a degree sounds tough, right? But it’s more doable than you think. This article will show you the top 11 finance roles you can land, no diploma needed.

Get ready to earn big.

Key Takeaways

You can land high-paying finance jobs without a degree, like futures trader or financial planner.

Skills in accounting, financial management, and math are key to success in these roles.

Some jobs may require certifications you can get through online courses or bootcamps.

Big companies like Bank of America and Verizon hire for entry – level finance positions without needing a degree.

Using websites like LinkedIn and Indeed helps find job openings in finance that don’t ask for a college diploma.

Understanding the Finance Job Market

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So, you’re curious about the finance job scene? Good news – it’s full of opportunities, even if you haven’t got a degree. Let’s get into why this is exciting for you. The financial sector isn’t just about who has the fanciest diploma anymore.

It’s evolving, making room for talented individuals ready to dive in with skills and drive. With roles like bank front desk workersmoney planners without degrees, insurance sellers, ledger keepers at firms and junior bean counters waiting to be filled, there’s plenty of space for eager minds.

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Now let’s talk brass tacks: money talks in this industry. According to those tracking labor and wages in the US, folks working these jobs took home around $72k on average back in 2020.

Not too shabby for positions that don’t demand years sitting in lecture halls! And sure, some gigs might ask that you get certified or licensed down the line – think managing loans or crunching taxes – but often times these can be achieved without traditional college education paths thanks to online bootcamps and other streamlined training courses gearing up tomorrow’s financial whizzes today.

Skills Required for Finance Jobs Without a Degree

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To land a finance job without a degree, you’ll need to sharpen your number-crunching and money-managing skills. Get good at tracking finances, making budgets, and solving math problems, and doors will start opening for you.

Accounting Skills

Accounting skills are like the Swiss Army knife for finance jobs that don’t ask for a degree. You need to be good with numbers, sure, but there’s more to it. Keeping track of cash flow, making sense of balance sheets, and understanding tax laws play a big part too.

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Think of it as being the detective who makes sure every penny is where it should be.

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

You’ll also dive into bookkeeping and learn how QuickBooks can become your best friend. It’s not just about adding and subtracting; you’re keeping a business alive by managing its finances smartly.

So sharpen those pencils—or rather, get your spreadsheet software ready—because these accounting skills will open doors in places like junior accounting roles or as an ace accounting clerk even if college wasn’t your path.

Financial Management Skills

Moving from crunching numbers, financial management skills take the stage. These skills are your toolkit for making smart decisions with money. Think of them as your secret sauce in the finance world.

You don’t need a fancy degree to master them, either. Online courses and easy-to-follow tutorials are everywhere.

You’ll learn how to budget like a prounderstand where every penny goes, and make predictions about future cash flow. It’s like being able to predict the weather but for finances! Plus, these skills open doors in many high-paying jobs – from helping people save for retirement as a financial planner to running the show at a bank without ever needing that four-year college diploma on your wall.

Mathematical Skills

Math is a big deal in finance jobs. You use it to manage moneyfigure out budgets, and solve problems. Jobs like payroll experts, number crunching clerks, and loan specialists need you to be good with numbers.

These pros work with data every day to make sure everything adds up right.

You don’t have to be a math wizard for all finance jobs, but being sharp helps a lot. Even if math isn’t your favorite subject, some skills can still get you far. Handling numbers well means you can help businesses save money and make smart decisions.

Plus, being good at math makes those tricky financial puzzles a bit easier to solve.

High-Paying Finance Jobs Without a Degree

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Dream big because you don’t need a college diploma to earn a fat paycheck in finance. Dive into roles like Futures Trader, Financial Planner, and more to turn those dreams into reality.

Keep reading for the juicy details on how you can cash in without a degree!

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Futures Trader

Futures traders ride the waves of stock markets like surfers on the ocean. They buy and sell contracts for assets, guessing their future prices to make profits. This job doesn’t need a four-year degree, but it does ask for sharp math skills and a solid futures trading strategy.

Traders keep an eye on global events, as these can change market trends quickly. They use tools like quantitative trading methods and financial models to decide when to trade. Every day brings new challenges in this fast-paced role, perfect for those who thrive under pressure.

Next up is how financial planners help people manage their money wisely.

Financial Planner

Financial planners help people manage their money. They set up plans for saving, investing, and spending. You don’t need a college degree to start this career. But, getting certified can boost your chance of landing a good job.

Online courses and tutorials are great ways to learn the ropes. Skills in financial management and math come in handy.

“A penny saved is a penny earned.” That’s what you make happen as a financial planner.”

Next up, we dive into how accountants keep track of every dollar.


Switching gears from financial planning, let’s talk about a career as an accountant. You might think you need a college degree for this one, but that’s not always the case. Some accountants kick-start their careers with state licenses and professional certifications instead of four years in college.

This pathway can lead to well-paying positions without the time and expense of getting a degree.

For those interested in numbers, taxes, and managing finances, being an accountant offers a solid opportunity. Websites like Indeed and Upwork are gold mines for finding jobs in accounting, whether you’re looking for something temporary or a more permanent role.

With the right certifications under your belt and a knack for handling money matters wisely, breaking into this field might be easier than you expect.

Financial Auditor

financial auditor checks a company’s money records. They make sure everything adds up and follows the rules. You don’t need a college degree for this job. Instead, you can learn what you need online or in finance bootcamps.

It’s all about being good with numbers and knowing the laws.

Companies big and small hire auditors to keep their finances straight. This job pays well even without a degree because it is very important. Auditors use tools like auditing software to help them work faster and more accurately.

Learning these tools could be your ticket into a high-earning finance career without spending years in school.

Claim Appraiser

From the keen eye of a financial auditor to the critical role of a claim appraiser, we journey through finance jobs that pack a punch without demanding a college degree. A claim appraiser steps into the scene when insurance claims call for an expert look-over.

They inspect damages, read reports, and decide how much money the insurance company should pay out. Think of them as detectives on financial fronts—solving puzzles with numbers instead of clues.

Claim appraisers gear up with skills in deciphering accounts, managing finances effectively, and crunching numbers like pros. With online courses or tutorials, one can master these skills from anywhere! Most fascinating is that while some states ask for licensing or professional certificates, you won’t find yourself needing years in university lecture halls.

This career opens its doors wide to those ready to leap into finance with determination and skillfulness at their side.

“Mastering numbers gives you stories untold; in claims appraisal, every detail counts.”

Claim Adjuster

claim adjuster steps into the picture after an accident or damage. They look at the harm to figure out how much money the insurance company should pay. This job needs a good eye for details and strong problem-solving skills.

You can learn these skills through online courses, tutorials, or even some hands-on training programs. Plus, getting into this field might not need a college degree right off the bat.

To move up as a claim adjuster, you might consider getting certified. This proves you know your stuff and can handle more complex cases. Certifications show employers you’re serious about your career in finance and insurance industries.

They open doors to better jobs and higher earnings down the line, all without needing that four-year college degree many think is essential for success in finance.

Mortgage Loan Officer

Moving from claim adjusters to another high-stakes finance role, let’s talk about mortgage loan officers. These pros earn a sweet average salary of $179,092 per year. They’re the wizards who guide clients through the maze of getting a loan for homes.

Their job is all about figuring out if you can get a loan and how much you can borrow. They look at your credit report, income, and other details to make a plan that fits just right.

Mortgage loan officers work with banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions. They need to know a lot about different kinds of loans and which one will be perfect for each person’s dream house or refinance plans.

Using tools like interest rate calculators and knowledge on repayment plans, they help you understand what your money does in the long run. Plus, they stay updated on rules by bodies like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to keep everything above board.

Tax Examiner

Tax examiners have a serious job. They check your tax returns to make sure you paid the right amount of money. It’s like being a detective, but for taxes. They work for the government, especially at places like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

To do this job well, they need to understand lots of rules about taxes and how money works.

“A tax examiner is your best friend or your worst nightmare – it all depends on your paperwork.”

Next up, let’s talk about insurance agents and how they help us protect what matters most.

Insurance Agent

Moving from tax examiners, let’s talk about insurance agents. These pros have a knack for making sense of tricky stuff like life insurance and property coverage. They’re in the business of helping folks protect what matters most to them.

You might think you need a fancy degree to get into this field, but that’s not the case here. With some solid people skills and a good grasp of finance concepts, you can jump right in.

Insurance agents make their mark by working hard and earning commissions on the policies they sell. It’s all about finding the right fit for each person’s needs, whether it’s safeguarding their family or covering their business assets.

This role is perfect if you’re outgoing and enjoy meeting new people every day. Plus, there’s always room to grow your income as you get better at understanding your clients’ needs and tailoring solutions just for them.

Accounting Clerk

An accounting clerk keeps track of the money flowing in and out. They record transactions, update statements, and check financial records for accuracy. It’s a role that puts you right in the heart of a company’s finance department without needing fancy degrees.

You might think it’s all about crunching numbers behind a desk, but there’s more to it – like making sure everyone gets paid their paychecks on time and keeping expenses in check.

This job is ideal for those who have an eye for detail and love working with numbers. With an average salary of $28,311 annually, it can provide a stable income while you explore other interests or tech side hustles in fintech or crypto.

You don’t need formal qualifications to start; just a sharp mind, basic math skills, and understanding how to manage invoices or credit reports could get your foot in the door. Think of it as stepping into the world of finance through the back door – easier but just as rewarding.

Bank Teller

Bank tellers are the face of any bank, greeting customers with a smile and helping them with daily transactions. They handle deposits, withdrawals, and other basic banking needs. You don’t need a college degree to start here; a high school diploma or GED is enough.

This job pays around $32,620 a year on average. It’s more than just counting cash; it’s about providing excellent customer service and understanding the basics of banking operations.

Work hard in silence; let success make the noise.”

This role can open doors for you in the finance world. Many bank tellers move up to become financial planners or accountants after gaining experience and further training. Starting as a teller is stepping onto the first rung of your career ladder in finance.

Here, every day brings a new challenge and an opportunity to learn something valuable about managing money, assisting customers with their financial needs, and working within regulatory guidelines set by bodies like the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

Pathway to Finance Jobs Without a Degree

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Finding a high-paying finance job without a degree might sound like climbing a mountain. But guess what? It’s more like taking a walk in the park if you know the right paths to follow.

Start by spying on your options, like Sherlock Holmes going after clues. Set goals as clear as day, so you know where you’re heading. Beef up your skills with all things numbers and management – think of it as loading your brain with powerful software updates.

Slam dunk those applications out there, and keep tabs on how far you’ve come, sort of like marking checkpoints in a video game marathon.

Dive into this adventure ready for action, and who knows? You might just land yourself in an exciting financial role that makes not having a degree seem like no big deal at all. Keep reading to get the scoop!

Research Your Options

Dive deep into what the finance job market has for you. Look at online bootcamps and training courses ready to boost your skills. Community colleges also offer classes that help you prep for big exams, making it easier for you to step into finance roles without a degree.

Next up, set clear goals on where you want your finance journey to take you. This means figuring out which skills match well with the job roles that catch your eye. Keep pushing forward as we explore how setting goals can lead to achieving big wins in the world of finance.

Set Goals

After exploring your options, it’s time to set your sights on what you want to achieve. Setting goals is like plotting a course on Wall Street- critical for navigating the bustling world of finance without a degree.

Begin by deciding where you see yourself in a few years. Do you dream of cracking numbers as an accountant or guiding others as a financial planner? Clear goals act as beacons, guiding you through thick and thin.

Next step: break these big dreams down into smaller, manageable tasks. For instance, if becoming an insurance agent is your target, research what licenses are needed and plan when to take those exams.

This approach makes even the loftiest aims achievable piece by piece. It’s about building that ladder rung by rung so you can climb up to success in the finance sector without needing that college diploma hanging on your wall.

Develop Skills

Jumping into the finance world without a degree means getting your skills sharp. Online tutorials and courses are out there waiting for you. They cover everything from basic number crunching to complex fiscal management tricks.

Think of it like leveling up in a video game, where each new skill boosts your ability to tackle tougher challenges.

Practice makes perfect, especially with accounting and handling money wisely. Tools like financial modeling software or budget tracking apps can be your best friends here. Also, don’t forget about webinars and virtual workshops offered by experts in the field.

These resources act just like cheat codes, giving you insider knowledge and techniques that others might miss out on.

Apply for Positions

Start by finding job listings in financial planning, bank service, and accounting work. Use websites like LinkedIn and Indeed to see who’s hiring. Make your resume stand out by adding any finance-related projects or internships you’ve done.

Show off your skills in math and managing money.

Next, reach out to companies directly. Even if they don’t have a job posted online, they might need someone with your skills. Send them a message on their website or give them a call.

Be bold and show how eager you are to start working in finance without having a degree hanging on your wall.

Track Your Progress

Keep a close eye on your growth as you forge ahead in the finance world without a degree. Jot down goals and tick them off one by one. Celebrate every small win, whether it’s nailing an interview or mastering a new accounting software.

This journey isn’t just about reaching the destination; it’s also about seeing how far you’ve come. Use tools like spreadsheets or financial planning apps to keep track of where you’re at and where you want to be next.

Staying organized is key. Make schedules, set reminders for job applications, or deadlines for learning new skills in bookkeeping, tax filing, or even understanding market trends better.

Mixing tech with old-school methods like notebooks can make this process fun and efficient. See every step forward as moving closer to that dream finance job, filled with potential for growth and high earnings despite not having a formal degree.

Companies That Offer Entry-Level Finance Jobs

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Big names like Truist Bank, Bank of America, and Mutual of Omaha are on the lookout for fresh talent in finance. They don’t always require a degree to get your foot in the door. Imagine working where you can apply what you love—numbers and analysis—without having ticked off every traditional educational box.

These companies understand value beyond a piece of paper.

Job platforms such as Indeed and Upwork also throw open their digital doors to myriad opportunities. Here, you can find temporary gigs or even the dream job that sets you on your path in finance.

Dominion Energy and Verizon join the ranks too, offering roles that dive deep into the financial sector without demanding years spent at university first.

FAQs About Finance Jobs That Don’t Require A Degree

Can I really get a finance job without a degree?

Absolutely! From being a tax preparer with just your PTIN to diving into the world of forex, there’s a treasure trove of roles that don’t demand you sit through four years of lectures. Imagine making bucks by trading currencies or helping folks navigate their taxes – no cap and gown required.

What if I’m good with numbers but bad at sitting still?

Say hello to becoming a bookkeeper or an accounting clerk! These gigs have you juggling numbers like a circus act, minus the boring routine. Perfect for those who find joy in balancing books but can’t stand the thought of being glued to an office chair all day.

Are there any cool jobs for people who love talking more than number-crunching?

You bet! How about becoming the lifeblood of an investment bank as one of their receptionists? Or maybe flex your charm as a financial advisor on social media platforms? It’s all about winning hearts, minds, and wallets without drowning in digits.

What’s in it for tech-savvy folks who dream in code instead of cash flows?

The finance world needs you too! Think about crafting algorithms for hedge funds or developing non-invasive imaging software for insurance companies. Your coding skills could be the secret sauce behind predicting the next big stock surge or catching fraudulent claims before they happen.

Is it possible to climb up the ladder without having to hit the books again?

Definitely! Start as an insurance sales agent and charm your way up to chief financial officer (CFO) status, or kick off in credit counseling and work your magic towards becoming a compliance officer. With grit, grind, and a dash of empathy, you’ll be shaking hands at the top floor in no time.

Any advice for someone looking to make waves in finance from their living room?

Roll out that yoga mat because working remotely is totally doable! Tax preparation can often be done from your cozy corner with just your laptop and some peace & quiet. Or dive into managing investments while sipping coffee at home; just remember – it’s not how fancy your office is, but how sharp your mind stays.




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