Drone Crash and its Effect on the Human Body

Drones are excellent tools when used correctly. Misuse can results in a crash.

At the wrong (or incompetent) hands, drones can be very dangerous – both to its owner and to everyone around them. A falling drone can crash at unsuspecting civilians, causing a lot of damage along the way.

Crash Incident Prevention

There are several factors that can affect a drone’s impact upon an unexpected crash. First, we have to look at the drone’s physical characteristics. A lot of starter drones or kid-friendly models come with lighter armor casings, as well as padding and added protection around the rotors. These features help prevent damage caused by direct impact, especially from the fast-spinning rotors.

Another issue to consider is how fast a drone crashes into the ground. Adding emergency parachutes for example can dramatically slow down a drone out of commission. This not only helps prevent a devastating hit on the people below, it also helps save parts of the drone. With a slower landing, pieces that may require replacement or repair would be minimal.

A Direct Impact

Of course, the most important part to consider is the casualties it may have on a pedestrian. In the video, you can see what a direct impact from popular drone models can do to the crash test dummy. The video focuses on a drone’s effect on a head-on collision, especially concussions and other head injuries.

Think about this video the next time you fly a drone. While flying one may be fun, it can be very dangerous at the wrong hands. One wrong move and it can fall out of the sky, causing injury to people. It can lead to your drone becoming permanently grounded, requiring repairs, replacements, and even more. In some cases, crashed drones have even started fires (especially in parks and camping grounds).

Always have a close eye on your drone, and make sure that you are aware of the local area’s rules and regulations before setting one loose.




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