DevOps Best Practices – A Complete Guide 2022


Looking back at technology for a few decades, you’ll find a world that is riddled with frustration and isolation. Two of an organization’s most critical teams, software development and IT operations, had difficulty communicating effectively. App Development and testing were done at a snail’s pace because of the lack of communication between departments.

DevOps Best Practices are critical if a company intends to work with IT outsourcing service providers on software development projects that will be scaled up to more effectively.

From an expert witness at hearings called by then-President Bill Clinton to an expert in the field of outsourcing, Michael F. Corbett is the Founder & Chairman of IAOP (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals®) and an international author. See what Michael talked about the current trends in IT outsourcing services  practiced by many global companies in one of VLink’s Tech Podcast episodes.

With the help of DevOps best practices, companies and software service providers can work together more effectively than ever before. Some DevOps Best Practices for implementing DevOps are provided in the following article.

Why is DevOps important for business? 

Somewhere, unless every encounter is in person, someone will use an app to engage with the business. It doesn’t matter if the mobile application development is internal or external; the more critical DevOps is to the organization. Businesses lose money because of employee idleness if everyone relies on one tracking app, which goes down in the middle of the day. There is a possibility that users who depend on an app will never use it again if it is unavailable.

Think of an application as an automobile. DevOps is the gasoline that gets it going, and the mechanic who keeps it running, repairs it after an accident, and even improves it to deal with new situations. Like rolling a car off the manufacturing line, simply launching an app isn’t sufficient in and of itself. One must think about how it will be used during its lifespan. DevOps is the process of creating, implementing, and updating the plan.

DevOps is no longer a ‘choice,’ Every organization today has adopted the cloud DevOps Automation Services. This time around, it’s pointless to keep deploying and fixing code. It’s time for organizations to adopt the DevOps approach to software development, testing, and deployment. DevOps improves business value by creating an interdependent team that focuses on providing products and services that meet the needs of consumers.

Is DevOps a trending technology in 2022?

DevOps is an integrated software development approach. Its rapid software delivery, quality, and high client satisfaction are alluring. During the pandemic, DevOps gained popularity through facilitating distant collaboration, agile development, and infrastructure adaptability. In 2021, 83% of companies had used DevOps.

By 2022, most development environments will employ low-code. Low-code technologies divide DevOps, yet they help engineers be more productive. Low-code solutions let developers focus on the big picture using DevSecOps, Kubernetes, microservices, or serverless computing. Automation and continuous improvement are essential to DevOps trends in 2022

The DevOps transformation is an ongoing process, not an end goal. It’s a way to a more reliable release pipeline, DevOps automation services, and greater collaboration between development, IT, and business teams.

We are also seeing more and more examples of how DevOps toolchains have sped up the deployment of new features and information in the healthcare insurance business.

DevOps Best Practices

Agile project management 

Tools like Jenkins and Splunk are a part of DevOps. There should be a single source of authority for the invention and implementation of these tools and procedures. The same centralized entity is responsible for adopting agile in the development team. In addition, the team in charge of that unit must share the most effective tools with the rest of the firm. This group is also responsible for the upkeep of the tools and developing various DevOps implementation guides.

Build a Collaborative Culture

DevOps brings together the development, operations, and quality assurance teams to increase communication and reduce silos. Software may be created and delivered to clients more quickly this way. There must be a shift in the attitude and mindset of the whole technical team to achieve this degree of collaboration.

This means that both developers and operations engineers have to accept full responsibility for the software development process and work together to satisfy customers’ needs. With DevOps, all team members are responsible for both development and operations, regardless of their unique duties within the organization.

Build with the right tools

When it comes to DevOps, automation is a must. The work of software developers and operations engineers in a DevOps organization is made more accessible by automating the app development, testing, and release processes.

To do this, you’ll need access to DevOps tools that measure performance metrics, trigger warnings when things go wrong, or give general visibility into the progress of your program.

Implement automation

It is possible to frequently integrate new code into the central repository using continuous integration and delivery. When CI/CD is used instead of manual code testing, the process is entirely automated, from batching to frequent commits. Successful DevOps approaches necessitate not only CI/CD but also automated testing. For example, automated tests may be used for everything from performance to end-to-end testing.

Shift Left with CI/CD

It suggests that you’re prioritizing the prevention of issues over their resolution. Early detection of any difficulties ensures that problems don’t become worse. Errors may be resolved more quickly because of this. This minimizes the time it takes to run a test and maintains the quality of the code. With the shift-left technique, developers and end-users have a shorter feedback loop to work with, thanks to shorter development cycles.

Make a Move to Microservices

Designing a single application as a collection of discrete services is known as microservices architecture. It’s a departure from standard monolithic design, which combines the user interface and access codes into a single application. An application programming interface (API) connects microservices, which are smaller programs, to form a cohesive whole (API).

DevOps uses microservices to break down massive, complicated projects into smaller, more manageable components. Work on individual services does not have to harm the whole system.

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) procedures may also be supported by microservices, providing fast and reliable deployment.

Gather continuous feedback

Many businesses today are battling to create customer-centric software that truly meets the needs of its users. But how can companies tell if the software they’ve installed satisfies their customers’ needs?

Product owners, quality assurance testing service (QA) teams, developers, and operations teams benefit from the increased efficiency that DevOps teams achieve via a continuous feedback system.

Continuous Security

Continuous Security adds a safety net to the CI/CD pipeline. Most businesses, particularly high-performing ones, have already developed CI/CD pipelines to increase the speed and agility of software delivery. With the help of Continuous Deployment technologies like Jenkins and Kubernetes, the software can be automatically generated and packaged as docker images before being deployed to a production environment. DevOps characteristics may be used in software security to make safety verification integral to the development process. Secure software and infrastructure by using continuous security and all that goes along with it.

Monitor the DevOps pipeline and applications

DevOps monitoring is essential to avoid delays caused by faulty builds or failed tests. Despite the benefits of automation, if an automated process fails and no one is aware of it, you’d be better off completing the task manually. It’s also critical to keep an eye on production apps to catch problems or poor performance before your customers do.


Software firms utilize DevOps to foster transparency and effective communication between operations and development teams to provide high-quality solutions. Organizations and IT service providers may use the DevOps Best Practices in this article to create robust software applications.
Our next-generation DevOps consulting and implementation services are the best way to get strategic DevOps implementation. For more information, feel free to reach out to us.




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