It’s no great secret that you need to be sure you are using the right kind of technology in order to thrive as a business. But it can be surprisingly hard to know what technology that actually is, and a big learning curve for many business owners is in working out what their business needs and what is probably extraneous. Something that you will have heard a lot about already is the cloud – essentially just an off-site server – and it has many functions. Which of them are necessary in your business? Let’s take a look at cloud solutions that your business could probably benefit from using.
Online Drives
How Often do you have the need to share some files with someone? If your business is like any other, you probably find that this is one of the single most common technological experiences you have in the day to day working of your company. It also happens to be just about the perfect example of something which is made much easier by the cloud. Thanks to solutions such as Onedrive – part of Better Online and M365 – you can share files easily and instantly with anyone in your business who you might need to. This means a much faster and easier file sharing than ever before, and one which you can trust for its security as well.
One of the nightmares that no entrepreneur wants to even think about is file loss. If you lose even a single item it can be distressing, but losing many pieces which might be relevant to the future of the business is something else altogether. When this happens, your business can be in a poor position indeed, and it can be worrying. Of course, this is one of the most common uses for the cloud, and one which most businesses can benefit from.

Using the cloud as an effective backup and restore service is one of its best uses, and it’s one you should definitely consider if you are serious about your files remain safe as much as possible.
Green Initiatives
For those businesses wishing to appear as a green business, using cloud computing is one of the most essential steps you might choose to take in order to achieve that. Because of the way in which you can use the cloud in order to almost do away with the use of paper, you will find that it is essentially and automatically much more environmentally friendly than many other solutions. The old dream of the paperless office might well actually be real, and it is called the cloud. Of course, you might still have occasions when this is not what you need and you need to use another physical solution instead. But for the most part, you can easily use the cloud to improve your greenness as a business – and that can mean many great things for the future of the company.
Using the cloud is likely to make a huge difference to your business, so consider the above options today.