Drones are very popular, but one of the drawbacks is that they do not fly for a long time; in general, they are up in the air for less than thirty minutes. The original Bebop fell into that category as well. However, the Bebop 2 Power is much different, almost doubling the average flight time (depending on the flying conditions).
The name really says it all in this case. “Power” refers to the battery power. When you open up your drone, you’ll notice that it comes with two batteries. That is because you will have to take out the first and put in the second about thirty minutes in. Each battery gives you about half an hour of flight, which means that you can have more fun with your drone than ever before.
The new Bebop 2 Power does have something in common with its predecessor; its glossy black finish looks just like the original. The drone itself is about one and half pounds, and it has a 14 mexapixel camera. It can record HD video, so this drone is perfect if you want to take video or capture pictures. It can also zone in on the likely subject of a picture when you are trying to get a certain image. Simply use the cameraman mode, and the drone will keep the subject in the frame, all while it flies around.
Bebop 2 Power Improvements
One of the biggest improvements to this new drone is its ability to stay up in the air longer. However, there are other features to note as well. For example, the piloting is much improved. It has visual tracking modes that keep you in the shot. Also, the drone takes advantage of GPS positioning and can record amazing videos with certain movements that are built in to the camera. These include Parabola, Boomerang, Orbit and Tornado.

Are you into the first person perspective? This drone has a FPV headset. You simply need to get the app, and then you can use your smartphone to see your surroundings the way the drone is seeing them. When you use this feature, you get to experience everything in real time, rather than watching a video at another time.
The Bebop 2 Power can go fast, as fast as 65 km an hour. You can capture just about anything with this drone, including the action at various sporting events.
Parrot’s Bebop 2 Power is also innovative, in that when you purchase the drone, you also get all the accessories with it. You only pay once and you get everything that you need. Obviously, that is much more efficient than trying to buy each accessory on its own. It is also a money saver as well. It is usually more expensive to buy everything separately than it is to get a package deal. When you open the Bebop 2 Power, you’ll find two batteries, the drone, a FPV headset and the Parrot Skycontroller 2. The total price is approximately $599, so you are getting a lot for your money.