A lot of us are installing smart home devices into our home and making life a little simpler and more organized. Through different devices and different apps, we can control everything through a centralized system or through our phone, like lighting, music, locks, etc. What isn’t commonly found, however, is motorized window shades. Usually any sort of motorized window shades are customized, are expensive and may not be compatible with your smart home. AutoShades, created by Dreamer Technologies, are motorized window shades that are easy to install on your own and are compatible with most smart home central systems like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Samsung SmartThings, Home Assistant and the AutoShade app.
You can control these smart shades through the Autoshade app and even set a schedule for when to open and close them. You can also group different shades in different rooms to open and close at the same time. These smart shades also have an energy saving mode that auto-adjusts when it detects sunlight and a night mode which ensures all shades are closed at night. These AutoShades are also easy to install by a simple mounting of screws on each side, pushing the rollers into the slots, and installing the battery pack. The battery pack can also last several months on one single charge and can be charged via USB.

The AutoShades can be bought in two different versions of transparent or black out fabric. AutoShades also offers solar panel add-ons so your shades can charge with the sun. This campaign, originally on indigogo.com, is still offering discounts with an estimated delivery date of December 2019.