Get bit by a crocodile — Get a free case of beer. Steve Irwin (Crocodile H…
If you’ve been bitten by a Crocodile recently, prepare to recieve free beer. A whole CASE of free beer. All you have to do is …
FiringSquad has posted a review of the Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 speakers: The original Promedia v2.400 was replaced by the ProMedia …
MSNBC suprised me by doing a fair, and relatively unbiased (yes, you heard me right) article about OpenOffice, a program …
After much delay (mostly because everyone in my ICQ contact list got the “He’s writing a review!” memo and decided …
Now that alone to most people would sound rather lewd and suggestive. But you wrap that slogan around an oddly …
Here you can see the first mention of the y2k bug and anyone has come across. If you read the …
Six weeks ago ATI announced it’s new “Catalyst” driver program (similar to nVidia’s Detonator drivers), and promised frequent update. And …
About an hour after The Register posted their story about the man who was auctioning off advertising space on his …