Australia Tests Food Drone Delivery System

Food delivery has come a long way since the 90s. Gone are the times where you have to go to an actual fast food chain or grocery to get your fill. No longer do we have to wait hours upon hours for the pizza delivery to arrive. Alas, it seems the gap between “wanting something” and “having something” is but a few minutes away in our modern age.

This large improvement can be credited to a more efficient and linear processing of goods from its source to its destination. Motorcycles and bikes have been used by fast food delivery services for the past decade, but there comes a point where these means of transport will not be enough.

That is where drones come in. Lightweight, runs on a mobile battery, and capable of flying for hours at a time, drones are slowly but surely finding themselves being ahead of the pack in the delivery game.

Testing in Australia:

In Australia, drones have become more and more involved with deliveries. As of right now, the company Alphabet has launched and tested an air traffic management system for drones. Labeled as Project Wing, the company aims a more centralized delivery system with drones replacing most of the old delivery systems.

Currently there are drones that deliver food and other light items in each area’s vicinity. The drones of a rural town called Royolla drop off the packages on their recipients’ very own backyards. The people in the area have expressed an approval for the delivery service, citing time and efficiency to be the strong points of this project.

The drones used in this delivery system can travel up to 10 kilometers. This gives the drones an advantage compared to land-based vehicles when it comes to dealing with provincial areas. For people who have stayed or lived in these areas far from the city, you may have experienced waiting for a package for an extended amount of time compared to getting it in the city.

Long roads and a lack of vehicle access makes these package trips far too unbearable. Drones can individually fly your packages, and without the headaches of road traffic, can arrive at the destination in a shorter period of time.

More and more rural towns in Southern Australia are eyed to have availability of this drone delivery system. The District of Tuggeranong for example may be next in line for this amazing drone service. Although these are mere testing points and are not expected to be commonplace in major cities in the world, we can be sure that the end goal would be just that.




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