Watch these Youtubers make a Drone out of Pizza

Most pizza companies these days aim for the future of home delivery. Where your pizza feels as hot as it came out of the oven 5 minutes ago. Where you pick up your phone, press a few buttons, pick your toppings, and your doorbell goes off. Boom. Your order arrived before you could even sit down. In a perfect world, customers no longer have to wait to get what they are craving at that very moment.

While pizza places have always relied on the old ways like motorcycles, the future of delivery belongs to drones. Think about it. Fast, flying, and they do not have to worry about facing incoming traffic jams. Drones can go from Point A to Point B in breaking speeds. In the fast food world where speed in delivery is the name of the game, a drone would be the ace in one’s pocket.

A couple of Youtubers from Spain may be taking this drone – pizza connection to the next level.

One-of-a-Kind Pizza Drone:

Get this. Instead of drones delivering pizzas, how would you feel about a drone… made of pizza? This removes the middle man in the equation, leaving you with more food for your troubles.

Of course, this is more of a publicity stunt and a gag idea rather than a serious one. But these Youtubers, known as deDrones, even made a prototype of their drone idea. The drone itself has a body made of pizza, while attached to it is the battery, camera, and propellers. Sounds incredibly fragile, but hey, an idea worth pursuing am I right?

To the physics of things, the crust itself must be solid enough to hold the actual drone parts in place. The entire thing must also survive the journey from source to recipient. The documented their whole journey for the mythical pizza drone and uploaded it on their page.

Watch their work in full brilliance and see for yourself if this edible drone could become the future. Probably not, but hey, it seemed like they had a blast making it.




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