You May Soon See A Global Registry For Drone Users

With the recent near-misses and actual collisions between drones and passenger aircrafts, something had to change.

What this “something” might be is a global registry for drones. This idea has the approval of airlines all over the globe. These drone incidents in airports and busy skies have led to some embarrassing kerfuffle in the past. Airports delayed flights from taking off. Routes had to be changed. Landing areas were resorted, leading to multiple planes redirected to other airports. Some of these places were a long way ahead, leading to fears of fuel insufficiency.

For the safety of the thousands of people traveling in these passenger airplanes on a daily basis, change had to happen. This change may very well lead to less freedom for drone users, but it would inevitably lead to safer regulations.

Registry for Drone Users Everywhere:

The United Nations’ Aviation Agency will handle the details and process behind this global registry. An unprecedented show of support and authority on a global scale.

With this registry, authorities can proceed to identify any drone’s owner and location. This may just be the solution to the ongoing near-miss epidemic in airports. These incidents usually end up with the authorities coming in too late, where the drone owner would be long gone. The incidents endanger the lives of hundreds of people on the plane, as well as the thousands of people on the ground. However, barely anyone received fines or penalties for such reckless drone behavior.

The UN’s registry will change all that, in theory at least. Along with getting data to further prevent accidents to happen in the future, this registry would also serve as a warning. It is basically, don’t do anything stupid with your drone since we can track you down.

I think that is a great way to keep irresponsible drone flying at bay. Because frankly, these one in a thousand drone users give everyone a bad reputation. There should be an equivalent responsibility when taking up drone hobbies. It’s not all fun and games, since these are expensive machines that can fly at great heights. These little machines can even match the elevation of some aircrafts, which can lead to collisions.

Drones are to be no more than 400 feet off the ground. Its owner must also have vision of the drone for the entirety of the flight. But it seems not all follow these simple guidelines, as the rising number of incidents the past few months alone show.




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