How to Keep Your Smart Home Devices Safe from Hackers

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is here to stay. Even if you’ve never heard of the IoT before, it’s likely that your home has at least one IoT device. Do you have door locks or a thermostat that you can control through your smart phone? A home security system that’s connected to the internet? A printer that functions wirelessly with just one click on your computer? If so, you’re using IoT devices…and this means that you should seriously consider smart home network security.

Why is this a concern? For years, we’ve been aware that cyber criminals can hack into our computers, stealing passwords, injecting viruses and malware, and gaining access to bank accounts, credit card information, and private data. People are constantly instructed to create strong passwords for their accounts, use secure internet connections to log on, and beware of suspicious emails claiming to be from a bank or a business. However, they’re not always instructed to do the same for their IoT devices.

How Hackers Utilize IoT Devices

While IoT devices have introduced loads of convenience, they’ve also created an entirely new type of security threat. In addition to gaining access to your network, your computer, and your passwords, unmonitored IoT devices can give cyber criminals access to your physical home.

This could result in harmless-but-creepy mischief such as someone playing with your smart home lighting or broadcasting unexpected audio over an internet-connected speaker. Hackers could also listen in or view what’s going on inside your home through that same speaker or security cameras that are connected to your network. Even more concerning: criminals could utilize weaknesses in your devices or network to take control of your door locks or home security system, allowing them the unobstructed ability to come and go from your house when you’re at work during the day or asleep at night.

Avoid Being a Victim

Thankfully, there are steps you can take right now to start defending your home and your devices against this kind of intrusion. You can go online and get a free IoT scanner that will monitor your wi-fi network to let you know what devices are currently connected to it. The scanner will also let you know about any potential vulnerabilities that need to be addressed to improve security.

The Internet of Things may have created lots of opportunities for hackers, but it’s also created a world of fun and convenience. By taking the right steps, you can make the most of today’s amazing technology while keeping your home and your family safe and secure.




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