The Pulse – Jump Rope To A Fully Charged Phone

Every time I see a new product on the market, I always ask myself “what will they think of next?” . There is always somebody out there thinking of the next big “thing”. The Pulse is a jump rope but with some extra technology packed into it. Is it the next big thing? Most likely not but it is kind of interesting. The Pulse, a jump rope, is not only a great exercise tool but doubles as a charger for all of your mobile devices. When we move, we are creating energy that can be stored if used with the right tools.

There are two ways for the Pulse to work. The first method is the easiest and requires no exercise on your part. You simply plug the Pulse into a wall outlet or laptop via USB to charge the internal battery in the Pulse. Now, you have a jump rope that can charge your phone in emergency situations. The second method requires a little bit of work on your part. You simply use the Pulse as a jump rope to charge the internal lithium-ion battery. 15 minutes of using the jump rope is able to provide up to two hours of power for the LED light that comes with the Pulse. That stored energy can either be used for the LED lights or to power your mobile device.

This is a good way to burn some calories and store a bit of energy for later use for your devices. If you’re too lazy to do it yourself, I’m sure the kids wouldn’t mind, they love this kind of crap. The Pulse is available in three colors: Blue, Green, and Pink. It can be purchased for $99. The company also has the Soccket which is a soccer ball and uses the same concept.




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