The Middle Finger Candle

I’m not sure if the Middle Finger candle has anything to do with our recent post of the queen giving the finger but it’s funny nevertheless.  Normally when you want to set the mood for a nice romantic dinner, in hopes of getting a little action later in the night, you’d prepare a candle-lit dinner but if your intentions are to break up a bad relationship, you could have an “F-OFF” candle-lit dinner with this funny candle.

The candle was originally created to protest the use of nuclear energy in Japan, on the one year anniversary of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, by Japanese artist Nao Matsumoto.  You can now buy the middle finger candles whether you want to protest something, break up a bad relationship, give as a funny gift (or even as a serious gift to an a-hole of a boss), or use for other mischievous purposes.  The candles are priced at $25 each and portion of the proceeds go to various charities chosen by Nao.

Buy It:  $25

giving the bird candleNao Matsumoto middle finger candles




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