The Personal Pitching Coach

A perfect gift for your baseball enthusiast kids who are aiming at becoming Little League or Major League pitchers in the near future. For $400 you can buy this personal pitching coach for them. Well, it can’t teach them the pitching techniques, but it shows them exactly where their pitches should go or where they have landed. This baseball-pitching trainer measures pitch velocity, calls balls and strikes, and simulates at bats, has built-in sonic radar that measures pitch speeds from 20 mph to 99 mph. The target has a nine-quadrant strike zone for pitching accuracy. Pitch velocity, balls, and strikes are displayed on the integrated LED that counts and displays strikeouts, walks, and total pitches for a half inning for up to two pitchers at once. The radar can be adjusted to track both the Little League and Major League Baseball pitching distances (45’ and 60’6”).




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