9 Reasons Why You Should Get an Electric Scooter?

Are you wondering if you should get an electric scooter or not? Let’s consider a scenario quickly. You’re late for work because you’re stuck in traffic, and you see your mate zip past everyone on his nifty electric scooter. You get to work with one minute to spare, but he already has time to make his morning cup of Joe to get the day started? Shall we go on?

In an urban society, electric scooters are an extremely convenient option for travel. But is it the right method of travel for you? Join us as we look at the reasons why you should consider getting an electric scooter.

Factors to consider before buying an electric scooter

Using an electric scooter to get to university or work and back is convenient; there’s no doubt about that, but is it practical for you? Before you buy an electric scooter, consider the following:

  • How far is your destination? Electric scooters are limited to the range their battery capacity will allow. On average, this is about 60km, and at most, you might get 90km from a scooter
  • Are you able to ride a scooter? Electric scooters are fairly simple to use, but we’d still suggest you consider your ability to use them before getting one
  • What else will you use it for? There are other uses for an electric scooter other than getting to work and back, like going to the shops or exploring with friends

Why you should get an electric scooter

Now that we’ve considered some factors around getting an electric scooter let’s look at the reasons why you should get one. We’re going to be that friend who always enables you to spend money here. Don’t fight it; trust us. This is a good idea!

  1. Safe, Convenient, and Easy to Use

With every form of travel, there’s always a level of risk attached to it. For instance, driving a car has the risk of having a car accident. Riding a bike has the risk of falling over. The same goes for riding an electric scooter. While scooters have basic risks like falling or losing control, they’re extremely easy to use, so you’re not likely to have many accidents. 

They are also a super convenient method of transportation. Think about it, all you need to do is charge your scooter, hop onto it, and go! Don’t forget your helmet though, safety first! 

  1. Light and Portable

E-scooters are light and portable, especially the ones that are designed to be so. Many E-scooters these days only weigh a few kg making them easy to carry. They also have a foldable mechanism that allows you to fold them, making them more comfortable to carry or store. 

  1. Relatively Eco-Friendly

We have to mention that E-scooters are far more eco-friendly than other motorized forms of transportation. Considering they run on electricity, they have zero emissions and use very low quantities of electricity, making them a good option for people who value looking after the environment. 

  1. Low Operating Costs

Consider the cost of running a car. First, you have the purchasing cost, then insurance costs, and daily running costs. An electric scooter has two main costs. The purchase cost is significantly lower in comparison to a car, and the running costs, are next to nothing. To run your scooter you’d just need to charge it daily or whenever you want to use it and you’re all set. There’s no need to stop off at a gas station to fill up. 

  1. Easy Repair and Maintenance

Aside from the running costs, maintenance is also a lot simpler and cheaper. You could even learn to do maintenance on your scooter yourself if you’re the handsy type. If you think about it, the cost of repairing a car is pretty high, right? For example, you could probably get an electric scooter for the price of four tires. 

Some parts of your scooter might be expensive depending on the brand and part, but they’ll usually be cheaper than parts for a car. Scooters are also easier to fix because they have less complex components. So the turnaround on repairs should be faster as well. 

  1. Perfect for Short Distances

They’re the ideal solution for short distances. As we said earlier, most e-scooters have a range of up to 90km at most. So, if your work or the shop is 4km away, you’d be able to slip out of the house quickly, shoot to the shop, and be home in no time without anyone even noticing you’re gone. 

  1. Can Skip Traffic Jams

For many of us who live in established urban areas, heavy traffic is normal, but it doesn’t get any less frustrating. With an e-scooter, traffic isn’t an issue. You can safely navigate your way through traffic and wave at your colleagues as you pass them by. No more getting late to work because of traffic. 

  1. Less Noise Pollution

Driving and silence don’t usually mix. Cars, jeeps, and tricycles make a lot of noise, especially older ones. This noise can be annoying. But with an electric scooter, you can get home quietly without bothering anyone.

  1. No Licence or Permits Needed

Electric scooters are slower than gas-powered ones and easier to handle. So, you don’t need a special license, permit, or insurance. This is great for younger folks who can’t get a license yet. Just remember to follow the local laws when riding your scooter.

Final Thoughts

Convinced yet? Open up the door to new traveling experiences with an electric scooter ASAP and you won’t regret it. Who knows, you might even start a new trend with your colleagues at work. Elective scooters are lighter, portable, and more convenient, offering you the perfect solution to short-term travel, why wait, get yours now.




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